AI Policy

I do not and will not use generative AI (artificial intelligence) to create my designs. One reason is simply that I do not know where the source images would be coming from. There are several lawsuits ongoing where AI companies have been sued by artists who claim their content is being used without their permission.

AI will never be as creative as a human being can be, because it can only regurgitate what has already been done before, maybe combined in different ways. I pride myself in my ability to create newness, and will not give up the satisfaction and joy that comes with it.

I may use (and have been using) AI Summaries to quickly get up to speed about topics I have little to no knowledge about, keeping in mind the shortcomings AI still has (questionable sources that may need further research). I also us AI for market research, to suggest better performing headlines and to speed up my planning processes.

If you would like to discuss this topic with me, please drop me a line.