Referral Systems Are Better Than Advertising

A referral-generated client normally spends more money, buys more often, and is more profitable and loyal than any other category of business you could go after.

Jay Abraham

Is “word-of-mouth” good enough?

Getting word-of-mouth business is wonderful… but it’s not a referral system.

Once implemented, a referral system allows you to grow your business with less risk, less marketing overhead, and less frustration.

Here’s the truth:

A happy customer will ALWAYS be a better advertisement for your business than your best ad, email or landing page because they aren’t on your payroll.

What makes a great referral system?

Step 1

Have a remarkable business.
If you’re the same as everyone else, there is nothing to talk about. But if you’re good at what you do and how you do it… this is the required foundation.

Step 2

Shift your thinking to the benefits customers enjoy from your product or service.
The benefits of what you provide are EXACTLY what some people need to know about – it’s about the benefits and not about you. This shift helps you keep the right focus while confidently asking for referrals.

Step 3

The mechanics.
When you ask, what you say, and what incentives/reasons for referring your business come into play here. When you have done step 2 above, going through the mechanics is both easier and more effective.

Step 4

Once your referral system is in play, you are in control of how much focus you put on gaining new business. There are no monthly fees to pay. No continually changing algorithms that eat away at your return on investment. You own the system and the system will work if you work it.

Put your focus on your customers

External marketing can be great, BUT it makes more sense to grow by focussing on and connecting with your customers.

A referral system done well creates a virtuous circle for both you and your customers. Your added care and attention is appreciated by the customer, which helps fuel referrals, which grow your business, which helps you value and care for your customers even more.

Customers need your service and they need to hear about it from someone they trust. Referral systems are the answer.

Stop putting yourself at a disadvantage. Instead, harness the power of referrals to get customers who are already primed to trust you and what you can do for them.

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